Wednesday, May 8


How to Submit Stories to Pummarola

Pummarola is an online journal of arts, politics, and culture with a focus on the Italian diaspora but with an interest in all expression. It is published quarterly. Beyond Italian diasporic themes, we are also interested in work by and about Indigenous and Black communities in the United States. We have not yet published in print but are considering doing so in the future. 

QUERIES: The following guidelines are intended as a framework for manuscript submission. If your writing or artwork does not fit into these standards but you are still interested in publishing, contact the Editorial Collective at

Editorial Guidelines

STYLE: Like our homeland, the conversation of Pummarola is filled with many languages, dialects and voices. AP Style is preferred. Footnotes are not used, but a few references may be allowed within the text.

ETHICAL GUIDELINES: In an era of  misinformation, we are particularly interested in publishing only factual information. All statements should be backed by responsible research and/or interviews. By virtue of submission, Pummarola assumes that works are original, written by submitting author.

FORMAT AND SUBMISSIONS: Pummarola welcomes written, visual, and aural art. 

Send double-spaced, manuscripts in Word, Google, or Open Office format, in a legible 12 pt. serif type, to

Hard copies are acceptable and should be double-spaced on letter- or near-letter-quality. Manuscripts submitted as hard copy must be accompanied by a self-addressed envelope bearing sufficient postage for return. Hard-copy submissions should be mailed to Pummarola, 1440 W. Taylor St., Chicago, IL 60607.

Visual submissions should be .jpeg, .png, or a reasonable alternative. 

Music, spoken word, and other aural files should be in .mp3 format or a reasonable alternative.

PHOTOGRAPHS AND ILLUSTRATIONS: Photos, images and illustrations are preferred in high-resolution, digital format: (jpg or png, 300 dpi, approximate size of 3×5 inches (minimum 1,200 by 750 pixels for a 4 by 2 ½ inch photo).

LENGTH: Feature articles should run between 400-1,500 words.
Fiction should be no more than 2,500 words.

Poetry should be limited to 75 lines. Non-traditional forms may require additional editorial engagement. 

COPYRIGHT: Authors retain all rights to their work. However, we ask that all original work  that appears in Pummarola and is then reprinted elsewhere reference Pummarola via a link (e.g., “This article, written by Giuseppe Verdi, originally appeared in Pummarola [hyperlink] June 23, 2021.”). For more information about authors rights, visit this page.

EXCLUSIVE SUBMISSION: Simultaneous submissions accepted. Please indicate if an article has been or is being considered for publication elsewhere.

PUBLICATION DATE: We are a small, grassroots organization. We will respond to submissions as soon as humanly possible. 

EDITING: With accepted manuscripts, the editors will retain the right to make editorial and grammatical revisions, deletions, or additions that support the work’s focus. If the editors propose any substantive changes, authors will be consulted first. Any edits to poetry, fiction and other more artistic submissions will be made in consultation and with approval of the author. 

PAYMENT: Pummarola does not offer honoraria for submissions at this time.