Saturday, July 27

Ros'e Argende

by Douglass DeCandia

Ros’e Argende is the name of a folk song from the Montemarano, Campania region, that inspired the poem. It means Rose and Silver in the dialect of the region.

I heard 

a song 



An old song

from the old country


It sounded like wind 

and spoke 

of longing


Though I did not 

know the words


My body became 

a field of poppy

and wheat


And for a moment

that was the forever of this song


Time lost 


in me


And we circled 




and around

and forth again



in the wind.



The original song recording

Ros’e Argende, read by the author:

Original lyrics:

Ros’ e argende se n’ha jute,

E la signora è romanuta,


Ohì signo’, ohì signo’,

Ros’ e argende, è ros’ d’amor.


La signora è romanuta,

E a la foresta se n’è juta,


Ohì signo’, ohì signo’,

Ros’ e argende, è ros’ d’amor.


E a la foresta se n’è juta,

e le castagne s’e ‘ignuda,


Ohì signo’, ohì signo’,

Ros’ e argende, è ros’ d’amor.


Le castagne s’è ‘ignuda,

E tutte quanta s’è vennute,


Ohì signo’, ohì signo’,

Ros’ e argende, è ros’ d’amor.